Lifestyle InspirationInspiration: Courage!

Courage and bravery have always been highly esteemed. Personally, I think courage is important because it helps us be true to ourselves especially when it matters most. For instance, it is courage that keeps a kind person kind even when kindness is considered a liability. And, it is courage that keeps an honest woman honest even when she’s threatened (literally or metaphorically).

When I started writing this piece, I thought of a very simple definition of courage:

“Courage is when we are not silenced by
fear or hardship.”

On second thought however, I felt it was important to recognize the layers of silence with which we struggle daily. That’s how I arrived at my final definition of courage.

Courage is when our minds, our hands, our feet and our lips are not silenced by fear or hardship.

Sometimes, silence happens in the open. Most times though, it’s easy to conceal and deny our silence. Like the silence of the mind when we are too afraid to confront the truth. Or the silence of our hands, when our courageous words are not matched by courageous action. To show courage how and when needed is what matters.

I think our courage grows as we take small, steady steps towards breaking our silence. Our courage also grows as we witness others acting courageously and as we support others in their acts of courage.

In the weeks and months ahead, I hope we realize that there are many situations where we can be more courageous. We have to work daily to grow in courage. And the first step is commitment.

Be courageous. Raise your voice for good and make good things happen.

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