Savvy YouYour Guide to Shopping Fairs

Exhibitions & Fairs are a great opportunity for everyone. As a customer, you’ll have a chance to buy at bargain prices, or sample from exclusive one-of-a-kind goods. Take one sweeping look across the hall or park, and you’ll see many creative entrepreneurs eager to test their products on the market.

While you’re out there having a good time, realize you’re a part of something bigger. Your active participation, as a customer or visitor, will give those entrepreneurs the information and reputation they need to grow.

I share 5 ways to ensure you make the most of every exhibition fair you attend.

— 1 —

Do Your Research

Sounds basic but this is really important. Among others, you should know a thing or two about the organizers of the exhibition and the event-theme (if any). Finally, find out what you can about the businesses or entrepreneurs who are booked to sell.

— 2 —

Know what you want!

Much like myself, many entrepreneurs launch new products & discount promos at exhibitions. This is why they can be great for bargain shoppers. That said, not all bargains are equal!! The best kind is a bargain price or discount on something you need. Having a plan is important. With a plan in hand and your research done, pairing your needs with the right vendor-entrepreneur becomes easy.

— 3 —

Consider the Possibilities

I can’t over-emphasize this point. To have a thriving culture of entrepreneurship, based on innovation & inventiveness, it is important to be open to the new: open to seeing, exploring, and understanding what our vendor-entrepreneurs have to offer. This often requires looking beyond our needs and wants. So, while you’re at the fair, keep an open mind. You might just discover something special!!

— 4 —

Start a Conversation

Pointing and staring are easily the most common expressions at these events. However, ogling stuff will only get you so far. To really appreciate what you see, you’ll need to talk to the entrepreneurs. Start simple. Ask about what they do, how they started, their inspiration, about particular items, etc. Get a conversation going. Most vendor-entrepreneurs are willing to do what they can to earn the trust of a potential customer. So, take advantage and have your questions answered.

— 5 —

In the end, there may not be enough time at an exhibition to have all your questions answered satisfactorily. In those 6 – 7 hours, the vendor-entrepreneur will have other customers to see. On a good day, the numbers could be high indeed. The best way to get your comments and suggestions heard, in detail, is to continue your conversation at a more convenient time. Get contact information, business hours, and if possible, set a date for a phone chat or meeting. This will give the entrepreneur a good chance to address your concerns properly.

This article was first published in the HMJS Newsletter


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