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Social Vigilance is the CSR Initiative of HMJServices. Its principal aim is to increase awareness, encourage dialogue, and inspire action on various social issues that affect the Nigerian youth; especially, the young Nigerian Lady.

This CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiative is important to me as an entrepreneur because I am committed to creating a truly modern business. This means going beyond products, services and customer relations. It has to include fulfilling the implicit obligation every business has to give back to the community.

Introducing Youth Stewardship


The inaugural theme for SOCIAL VIGILANCE is ‘Youth Stewardship’. There is such a thing as youth stewardship. The tenure of such stewardship, as with all tenures, begins with a heritage and ends with a legacy.

Far from being the objects of our society and community, we, the youth, are in the process of creating our first significant legacy. It is a legacy left on society which becomes the heritage of others.

Defining Youth Stewardship


Youth Stewardship is distinct not separate from other kinds of stewardship ( like that of citizens or of teachers). This distinction arises from the unique perspective of the Nigerian Youth. This perspective can be described as consisting of certain domains or areas in which the youth are dominant. These areas of dominance are also the domains where the youth are best equipped to be guardians: Guardians of the best in our heritage and if Nigeria is to grow, Creators of a better legacy.

The Objective


The aim of this initiative is to encourage a view of youth empowerment and influence which include more than the obvious (and important) sources of empowerment like education, employment, wealth and position. I hope to strengthen our sense of ownership and responsibility for the things we already have and share but often overlook. These are areas where we already have the power to bring about change. I believe we are yet to fully utilize this power for our benefit and the benefit of the youth to be

Domains, Values and Challenges


I will begin to address this this theme by discussing the domains of Youth Stewardship. Following this, I will look at some values which are essential to managing this responsibility well.

The succeeding post will focus on the challenges we ought to anticipate as we plan and grow into our roles of stewardship. And, the final post, which I hope will include your feedback, will focus on 2 or 3 programs which I believe the youth should pursue by various forms of activism in order to fulfill our duty to ourselves and to those who will succeed us as stewards and guardians in their own right.

Next in this Series

Recognizing Domains of Stewardship

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